Can I use Phyton directly without accessing anything else to get data from Eikon?
If yes, may I know what subscriptions/product is needed?
Thank you.
Hi @Tim.Diego
No, you must have an instance of Eikon Desktop or Refinitiv Workspace running on the same physical machine.
Hello @Tim.Diego
Basically, you need the Eikon/Refinitiv Workspace account and application, Python and then internet connection. Please follow the Eikon Data API Quick Start guide and Setting up a Python development environment tutorial.
Hi Wasin, Thank you. May I know if it will work on Eikon Web and Web for Refinitiv Workspace as well?
Hi Chavalit, Thank you. May I know if it will work on Eikon Web and Web for Refinitiv Workspace as well?
@Tim.Diego There is also Refinitiv Data Platform which allows RESTful access to data using Python or any other programming language without any local dependencies.
We are gradually onboarding more content and services to RDP.
You can use CODEBOOK on Eikon Web.
But this is not the local Python on your local machine.