I am trying to get historical mean estimates for several metrics.
For instance, I would like to get the EPSmean estimate from broker on 2012/01/01 for OREP.PA for FY0 to FY5
Which means : I would like to get the consensus estimate that was in place on the 1st of January 2012 for the next 5 fiscal years.
Obviously that's not really what I get.
The code is here :
GMfwd1, err = ek.get_data('OREP.PA',["TR.EPSMean","TR.EPSMean.periodenddate","TR.EBITMean",'TR.RevenueMean',"TR.ROAMean","TR.ROEMean","TR.FCFMean","TR.TotalAssets","TR.MeanPctChg(Period=FY1,WP=60d)"],{"SDate":"2012-01-01","Period":"FY0,FY5"})
3 questions : is it possible to get this data?
if yes how to?
what is it that I am getting?
Here is what I get :

Thanks for your help,