Retrieve RICs of bonds that a yield curve is based on (constituents), knowing only the yield curv...

...e RIC

In an earlier question, I asked how to retrieve the list of constituent bonds that a yield curve is based on using the Python Data API (

The answer then was to use e.g. the RIC 0#AEURNFI to get a list of the constituents corresponding to the curve 0#BUSDNFIBMK=. In short, this means simply truncating the 'BMK=' suffix from the curve's RIC.

However, this method does not work for some important curves. For example:



Simply truncating the 'BMK=' suffix from the above curve will result in a non-existent RIC.

Is there a more robust way to retrieve the RIC of the list of bond constituents for a particular curve? Perhaps a data field?

Thanks in advance

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    @tr105 As far as I know there isn't - I think best way is to stick a 0# in front of the first few characters in the search bar and let that do the work. There is no one catch all rule as different asset classes have different features. Please see the screenshot below:


    Here you would select BBB USD TRANS from the OTH(er).category.

    Just so you are aware not every index or subindex has a maintained constituent list. If you notice any gaps please contact our helpdesk with a content enhancement request.

    I hope this can help.