Hi im wondering if it possible to pull the company auditor from the api. Eg Apple auditor it Ernst & Young.
Use CodeCreator app for metadata discovery (finding field names and parameters) for use with Eikon Data APIs. Typing in Instruments: "AAPL.O", Data Items: "auditor" in CodeCreator app returns Auditor Details ('TR.F.Auditor') field among other fields whose description contains the word "auditor". Double clicking on a field produces a code snippet, which you can copy & paste into your code:
df, err = ek.get_data( instruments = ['AAPL.O'], fields = ['TR.F.Auditor'])
@Alex Putkov.1 Thanks for this, new to this so great to know about this code creator app. Instead of the instrument, is it possible to get the Auditor field and other fields etc by using the ticker 'APPL' not 'APPL.O'?