Do we have EIKON API to Provide the Destination Port Location (Latitude/Longitude)?
I need to know the Port Geo Location of Our Ship's destination.
For example: Port Guayaquil C}TS7309534789
What Latitude and Longitude
Hi @ZShi
You can get the destination port location from a vessel RIC or IMO with get_data().
Please try this code:
Hi @ZShi,
You can use the Search capability within the RDP Libraries to provide location coordinates. For example, I performed this basic search using the Python implementation within CodeBook: view = rdp.SearchViews.VesselPhysicalAssets, filter = "VesselOriginPortRICs eq 'C}TS7309534789'", select = 'RIC,SynonymSearchAll,DTSource,LocationTimestamp,IMO,Latitude, \ Longitude, LocationDestination', top = 10000)
This request filtered based on the VesselOriginPortRICs property to pull in ~128 hits.
There may be other specific criteria required to use to narrow down your result set if desired. You can find some very useful details within the Search article: The article references many examples in Python for you to explore. There is a specific example on Vessels within this workbook: