I recently started using "StreamingPrices" to get some values from economic events, but I have been having trouble subscribing to most RICs to get data regarding Earnings.
Is there any other method of streaming for Python for this purpose or does "access denied" only concern access to RICs and should I request access to them? I ask because I can normally access the same symbols, with the same fields, by the "get_data" method, but with "StreamingPrices" I tested the access to more than 8 thousand RICs and only managed to access 8 RICs.
In another question, I was suggested to hire the "Refinitiv Real Time Optimized" service for efficiency reasons, would that give me access to some similar and more powerful method like "StreamingaPrices"? Would the new service grant me access to symbols that I do not have access to through "StreamingaPrices"?