Try example from https://developers.refinitiv.com/en/api-catalog/refinitiv-tick-history/refinitiv-tick-history-rth-rest-api/tutorials#rest-api-tutorial-1-connecting-to-the-server end get error. Help me!!!!
Resolver not registered: react.asset.discussionTagsAsset
Hello @d.sukhanov,
Just to verify, as using tool Postman is recommended as the straightforward way of following this tutorial; it is possible to use other similar tools but then you will find discrepancies that you will have to work through:
1. You have installed one of the later versions of Postman via Get Postman?
2. You have downloaded RTH REST Tutorials Postman collection and imported both Tutorials collection into your collections and Environment starter that comes with into your Environments, without issues?
3. Prior to running the request, you set environment to the RTH environment and in the environment, you have set the variables username and password with your valid DSS credentials?
Please see Tutorials Introduction for further details on the environment and the setup
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.