I am currently using the following code on the Eikon API to bring in screener information on equity, bond and loan deals for a selected list of tickers (the variable tickers_string), for a selected time period (variables being date_start and date_end) :
analysis_start = '20110101'
analysis_end = '20210526'
tickers_string = '5037958512, 4295912121'
df_bond, err = ek.get_data("SCREEN(U(IN(DEALS)/*UNV:DEALSBOND*/), TR.NIisECM=False, IN(TR.NIParticipant(NIDealPartRole=IS)," + tickers_string + "), BETWEEN(TR.NIIssueDate," + date_start + "," + date_end + ")/*dt:Date*/, CURN=USD)",["TR.NISdcDealNumber","TR.NIIssueDate","TR.NIIssuer","TR.NIIssuerPermId","TR.NIIssuerUltParent","TR.NIIssuerUltParentPermID","TR.NIRedemptionMaturityDate","TR.NIIssueType(Concat='|')","TR.NITransactionStatus","TR.NIIssuerNation","TR.NIOfferPrice","TR.NIProceedsAmtInclOverallotSoldAllMkts(Curn=USD,Scale=6)","TR.NIIssuerExchTicker(Concat='|')","TR.NISecurityTypeAllMkt","TR.NIGrossSpreadAsPctOfPrincipalAmtThisMkt","TR.NIPkgOfferCurrency","TR.NIIssuerDomicileNation","TR.NIUseOfProceedsType(Concat='|')","TR.NIUnderwritingFeeAsPctOfPrincipalAmtThisMktPrint","TR.NIBookRunner(Concat='|')","TR.NIBookOrCoManager(Concat='|')"])
The code works well but there's a peculiar issue I am trying to solve - specifically I am trying to get to a RIC or OrgID ID for each of the BookRunners involved.
After performing a data manipulation exercise I get to a list of Book Runners. For other queries originated in the RDP API I would be using the following code to get a list of matching organisations:
for firm in book_runners:
company_name = str(firm)
df = rdp.search(view = rdp.SearchViews.Organisations, query = company_name) #Scans company name across Refinitiv Organisations database
And with that I usually get a matching list of entities.
The issue is however that when running for those names that I got via Eikon API, no matches show up.
So the solutions here are two:
1. Find another RDP library which identifies those names; or
2. Reproduce the iteration on RDP API as in such a way the names being brought in would probably be recognised.
Would you please help out on either.