how can I choose the timezone of the arguments but also of the returned values in the result data frame?
eg: ek.get_timeseries(i, start_date = "2021-07-18T00:00:00", end_date = "2021-07-20T16:34:05", interval="minute")
just so we all know, this was probably the most complete answer
specify OR know the TZ
@opsp please see the answer given in this thread. I hope this can help.
From my testing, I can specify timezone with this format "2020-12-10T14:50:00-02:00".
However, the time in the resutl is stil in GMT.
I have compared the output with the Eikon Chart application. The time is in GMT.
thanks. I'll check again. meanwhile, can you confirm that there are no user preferences that might define the API timezone presentation?
As I know, there are no user preferences in Eikon Data API.