I am trying to get all the data on municipal bonds sold between 01/01/2015 and 12/30/2020. I am particularly interested in the sale dates and par amounts of municipal bond issuances. I have tried the following code in Python:
df = rdp.Search.search(
view = rdp.SearchViews.MunicipalInstruments,
top = 10000,
select = "IssuerName, IssueDate, SaleDate, IssuerState, ParAmount, CUSIP")
I get the data on issuer name, issue date, and CUSIP. But, I received the following warning: "3 invalid 'select' entries were ignored: [SaleDate, IssuerState, ParAmount]"
I tried to use a CUSIP number in order to get sale date and par value using get_data() command but it returns empty data frame.
Would you please guide me on how I can get sales date and par amounts of all municipal bonds sold in a certain period?
- moredata,e = ek.get_data(['494134XF1'],["TR.FiTaxStatus", "TR.PJFRelMuniSaleDate", "TR.PJFRelMuniPrinicipalAmount"])
If I have CUSIPs of all municipal bond issuances, is there any way to scrape the description page of the relevant municipal bond to get sale date and total program amount?