...one go ?
Hi All,
I am a rookie in using eikon API via python and given a try to grab last corporate action details with ex date, div type, event type for multiple rics in one go, also if there are more than 1 adj factor or special/final dividend on the same date and it should fetch details for both the events.
is it possible to do it for multiple rics in one go ?
i am using the below code but not getting the desired result, ideally it should have given me 3 rows with first row with ex date = 23 Jun 2021, adj factor 0.956333,
second row with ex date = 23 jun 2021, div type = FInal
third row wtih ex date = 23 Jun 2021, div type = special
import eikon as ek
import pandas as pd
from tabulate import tabulate
ek.set_app_key('<app key>')
data, err = ek.get_data('1171.HK',['TR.DivUnadjustedGross','TR.DivExDate','TR.DivType','TR.GICSSECTOR'],{'SDate': '2020-07-01','EDate': '2021-07-26','DivType': '61:70'})
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
print(tabulate(df, headers='keys',tablefmt='fancy_grid'))