反馈使用路透社提供的java老版本sdk 1.0.0查询汇率,不定期会有内存泄漏(每1周或者2两周左右机器内存会涨到4G左右,且full gc不能回收),经分析内存发现是thomsonreuters相关的对象内存有泄漏,请教以上问题是否可能由于1.0.0过旧版本导致?最新版本SDK Java 2.0.2能否修复以上问题。非常感谢
Resolver not registered: react.asset.discussionTagsAsset
Hi @Hao.Tang
There have been multiple bugs/issues fixes and enhancements between ESDK Java 1.0 and RT-SDK 2.0x - see the attached file and the Changelog link for the documented changes (there may well be others that were fixed as part of the continuous development cycle).
Real-Time-SDK/CHANGELOG.md at master · Refinitiv/Real-Time-SDK (github.com)
Also, ESDK v1.0.0 is no longer supported - in terms of bug fixes - any bug fixes would be provided as a new version of the rebranded RT-SDK.
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.