Call SDC Deal Number in TR: from cell
Hello everyone,
I tried the following formula in Excel Eikon. But it does not work. The problem comes from calling the cell because when I'm typing manually the SDC number it works. How could I make it works ?
=@TR("SCREEN(U(IN(DEALS)/*UNV:DEALSMNA*/), Contains(TR.MNASDCDealNumber,""$A$2""))";"TR.MnAConsiderationOffered")
Thanks for your help
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- To refer to the cell in Excel, the cell number referred must be outside the double quote (else, it'll be considered as a string instead of cell reference), you may use Excel's CONCAT function to do so, please refer to an example below
- Fix syntax by changing the ';' before the field name to be ','
- add the command ,"CH=Fd RH=IN",B2 to place the output on cell B2 (as by default, the output will be placed on cell A2, which is the same cell of the input condition deal number for the command reference.
hello @barbara.guinot
=@TR(CONCAT("SCREEN(U(IN(DEALS)/*UNV:DEALSMNA*/), Contains(TR.MNASDCDealNumber,",$A$2,"))"),"TR.MnAConsiderationOffered","CH=Fd RH=IN",B2)
here's the screenshot of the output of the command above excel-deal.png
hello @barbara.guinot
here's the screenshot of the output of the command above excel-deal.png