I am trying to retrieve the RICs of expired options.
In the case of non-expired options, I can get the RICs of options as follows:
df, e = ek.get_data(['0#SPX*.U'],
However, to get the expired RICs of options, I guess the following should work, but it does not.
df2, e = ek.get_data(['0#SPX*.U^A21'],
I think 0#SPX*.U^A21 should work, because it has following valid information as follows:
ts = ek.get_timeseries(['SPXa152138000.U^A21',], start_date='2020-01-01')
Could you please help me, how to get the all the RICs by using command like 0#SPX*.U^A21.
Thank you very much.