I am looking for the variance of the analyst estimates in IBES. I can find Mean and Median (e.g., TR.EPSMean, TR.EPSMedian) but not variance (or std). Does anyone know what is the correct name I should be looking for?
Hi Simone,
Have you tried TR.EPSStdDev?
In general, you can type Data Item Browser (DIB) in workspace search to look for property/values.
Thanks @haykaz.aramyan . Strangely, EPSStdDev does not shows up on my DIB on the workspace but I can still pull it from python. Not sure why this is the case
Yes, I can relate to that, it was the case when I searched first as well. If you scroll down a bit, it will probably show up. Alternatively, when I searched by full name, such as EPS Standard deviation, it appeared first in the list. You can also try searching items by the full description (as much as possible).