Happy New Year!
I am trying to capture, using RDP query in Python, the inactive bonds for a given ParentOAPermID. Can you please confirm that the following (upper) snippet does what I am looking for.
A couple of more questions:
a. I see that there are quite few bonds without ISIN. Why is that?
b. I see that my query reached the 10000 limit, so I guess I will have to introduce additional filters to get all the bonds, right?
c. is it correct to say that bonds which are not any more active, do not have a RIC? If so, would a better approach be the 2nd one shown below, which is based on the RIC?
Many thanks
Kind regards
sBankID = '5043337560'
GroupSize = 10000
filterStrINACTIVE = " ParentOAPermID eq '{0}' " \
" and ( ( AssetStatus eq 'CLD') or ( AssetStatus eq 'MAT') ) ".format(sBankID)
srchfields = "RIC,ISIN, FullName, AssetStatus, ParentOAPermID, IssuerName, IssuerLegalName,IssuerOAPermID, Currency,IssueDate, MaturityDate, CouponRate"
dataINACT = rdp.search(view=rdp.SearchViews.GovCorpInstruments, filter=filterStrINACTIVE, top=GroupSize, select=srchfields)
dataINACTvalidISIN = dataINACT[ dataINACT["ISIN"].isnull()==False]
# --> (10000, 10)
# --> (9683, 10)
Approach based on RIC:
filterStrINACTIVEviaRIC = " ParentOAPermID eq '{0}' " \
" and RIC eq null ".format(sBankID)
srchfields = "RIC,ISIN, FullName, AssetStatus, ParentOAPermID, IssuerName, IssuerLegalName,IssuerOAPermID, Currency,IssueDate, MaturityDate, CouponRate"
dataINACTviaRIC = rdp.search(view=rdp.SearchViews.GovCorpInstruments, filter=filterStrINACTIVEviaRIC, top=GroupSize, select=srchfields)