I am looking for data regarding loans.
What is the difference between the "Screener" app in Excel and the "Deal Screener" button in Excel? I used the same search criteria but got different results.
Thanks for your help!
Best regards, Eva
Resolver not registered: react.asset.discussionTagsAsset
hi @EMK
This forum is dedicated to software developers using Refinitiv APIs for programming-type queries. The moderators on this forum do not have deep expertise in every bit of content available through Refinitiv products, which is required to answer content questions such as this one.
The best resource for the content questions is the Eikon support team, which can be reached by submitting queries through MyRefinitiv.
Then you could select 'Refinitiv products and content' > 'I need help understanding content within the product' > 'Refinitiv Eikon'
Hope this could help
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.