Hello Team,
Good Day!
May I have your insights on below query?
They are using EIKON Excel and EIKON API Python at the same time.
They use the sample formula below to retrieve the data in EIKON Excel, which is based on their internal database source and code.
"SYDDS1IR" is the name of their internal database/source.
"AU3SG0001357=SBCI" is the name of their internal code.
(This is a sample Refinitiv formula with Refinitiv source and RIC: =RtGet("IDN","AUMF0225F=RRPS","PRIMACT_1"))
The Client wonders whether it's possible to use client's internal data source (rather than IDN) to retrieve the data in python the ek.get_data() function too, he tried in EIKON API python, but didn't see how to change source (as they can do in Excel) is it possible?
Thanks & Regards,