How can I get all cases which match my search results with applied filters in API?
Using UI I'm just adding filters and I can export csv file is there any method witch will return similar results?
best regards,
Thank you again for reaching out.
You may explore the API endpoint SEQ-user-activity-monitoring-initial: User Activity Monitoring. It retrieves case summaries with case-system id, case-id and group id. The body of this endpoint offers you an out-of-the-box query to retrieve case summaries.
The above mentioned endpoint can be found in the collection directory of "Retrieving Cases and Matches" of our API collection version 2.46 Case Management and Audit.
Additionally this endpoint is sequential in the sense that if you want the following row of case summaries (i.e. items per page) you will need to call the endpoint SEQ-user-activity-monitoring-subsequent: User Activity Monitoring.
To get the best out of our collection API's we recommend using the client App Postman. We do not endorse Postman, but it's a good way to get started.
If you have any further question, feel free to reach out.
Best regards,
Hi @lukasz.paszewski,
Thank you for reaching out to us!
Cases which match your search results within the World-Check One UI are unique and are not offered by a single API end point. I can suggest you explore the end-points "Retrieving Cases and Matches" from our API collection version 2.46 Case Management and Audit.
The World-Check One UI on the other hand offers a more granular result for search results whilst our API end-points offer the rapid service needed for, for example, screening and creating cases amongst the over 50 other API end points.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions.
Thank you for fast reply!to extract any information with those I need to know {case-id} or {case-system-id} and at the time I do not know them. Is there any option to extract those values for all items or for a specific group?
Thank you again for reaching out to us!
To know your {case-id} or {case-system-id} on case(s) you have created and screened I would suggest you explore our following API end points.
First off, a good start to know what your {case-id} or {case-system-id} are, is to use one of the desired end point(s) from the following directory;
For example let's say you use end point from the collection directory:
Creating and Screening Cases in Bulk
1. Create/Screen Cases.
2. Store the JSON response with case-id and case-system-id.
3. Within the collection directory Retrieving Cases and Matches (to retrieve multiple cases at once you can use the API end point SEQ-case-screening-statuses: Retrieve screening status for multiple cases).
4. Amend the body of your request with the initial case-id(s) and case-system-id(s). Optionally you can make use of the WC1 Pilot environment.
To get the best experience of our API is to make use of the client application Postman. We do not endorse Postman, but it's a good way to get started.
Hi @virgill.pinas01 ,
Thank You for reply and suggestions!
In my example I cannot create case but just get all of them in specified group without knowing caseID or even a name. I'm afraid that for now there is no API end point which is able to do it.
Thank You! this method of retrieving cases is working after updating body of request. Unfortunately filtering options are limited so to recreate filter from UI other requests need to be used.