Hi, I seem to be having trouble knowing which of the data I pull using eikon api is live and which is delayed. I know I can access live option watch data but does that not include live prices for options and live prices for underlyings?
I tried ek.get_data(".SPX", "CF_LAST") while monitoring the last price in the Quote App in Eikon, and it matched the real time data everytime.
Are you on a trial license which is limiting access to real time data for you? I recommend that you reach out to your Refinitiv account manager.
Hi @rafi.levy1,
If you are accessing the real time fields, the data will be the most current for those fields. Examples of real time fields are: CF_BID, CF_ASK, TRDPRC_1 etc. You can check Data Item Browser (DIB) for various fields that can be requested for a given asset class.
Can you give a code example of that data that you think is delayed.
and it seems to be 15 min late. i want to know how i can be sure that the option pricing is not delayed either.