Hello @vlad.dimanshteyn and all,
Conveying the findings from the case:
"We have in Quote app a speed guide <OPTIONS> where you can see all options by country, in this case it's US OPRA Equity Option chains.<0#OPRA-A> To <0#OPRA-Z>Opra options are on 0#OPRA-A to 0#OPRA-Z for Equity Options0#OPRA-A for companies whose name starts in A. 0#OPRA-B... and so on until 0#OPRA-ZFor Index options, the page is 0#OPRAINDEXEEM Equity - 0#EEM*.UEFA Equity - 0#EFA*.U "
Hello @vlad.dimanshteyn ,
For questions about Refinitiv content and symbology, the best approach is to submit them to Refintiiv content experts directly via Refinitiv Helpdesk Online -> Content -> Eikon.
For this question, case #11242641 was opened on your behalf, please expect Refinitiv support experts to reach out to you shortly via email.