I would like to create a dcf calculation for all members of the S&P500. I want to calculate the terminal bvalue using the EV/FCF Smart Estimate multiple. The problem is that the values are strings containing spaces between each number that are not visible and cannot be removed. (can’t convert data type)
df_Data, err = ek.get_data(
instruments = df_RICList,
fields = ['TR.Close.Date','TR.Close','TR.F.TotCurrAssets','TR.F.TotCurrLiab','TR.F.NetCashFlowOp','TR.TotalDebtToEV','TR.TURNOVER','TR.F.ActualROA','TR.F.GrossProfMarg','TR.F.DebtTot','TR.WACC','TR.F.ComShrOutsTot(Period=FY0)','TR.EVtoFCFSmartEst(Period=FY3)','TR.FCFMean(Period=FY0)','TR.FCFMean(Period=FY1)','TR.FCFMean(Period=FY2)',
parameters = {
'Curn': 'Native',
'SDate': '2021-01-01',
'EDate': '2022-01-01',
'Frq': 'Y'})
Is there a solution for this problem or an alternative?