Hi,When I requested SOFR TERM in the API, only the Trade date was NULL. Why is this?
"@odata.context": "https://selectapi.datascope.refinitiv.com/RestApi/v1/$metadata#DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.ExtractionResult",
"Contents": [
"IdentifierType": "Ric",
"Identifier": ".SR1M",
"RIC": ".SR1M",
"Instrument Snap Time": "06/06/2022 13:06:39",
"Trade Date": "2022-06-03",
"Trade Time": null,
"Primary Activity": 1.14262,
"Money Market Value Date": "2022-06-03",
"Previous Close Date": "2022-06-02"
"Notes": [
"Extraction Services Version 16.0.43633 (806c08a4ae8f), Built May 9 2022 17:21:07\r\nProcessing started at 06/06/2022 13:06:39.\r\nUser ID: 9028759\r\nExtraction ID: 2000000405169044\r\nCorrelation ID: CiD/9028759/AAAAAA.080a7299fa9df4de/RA\r\nSchedule: 0x080a7299faadf4de (ID = 0x0000000000000000)\r\nInput List (1 items): (ID = 0x080a7299faadf4de) Created: 06/06/2022 13:06:39 Last Modified: 06/06/2022 13:06:39\r\nReport Template (13 fields): _OnD_0x080a7299faadf4de (ID = 0x080a7299fabdf4de) Created: 06/06/2022 13:06:37 Last Modified: 06/06/2022 13:06:37\r\nSchedule dispatched via message queue (0x080a7299faadf4de)\r\nSchedule Time: 06/06/2022 13:06:39\r\nNo prices needed currency scaling.\r\nReal-time data was snapped at 06/06/2022 13:06:39.\r\nProcessing completed successfully at 06/06/2022 13:06:39, taking 0.315 Secs.\r\nExtraction finished at 06/06/2022 04:06:39 UTC, with servers: x15q30, QSDHA1 (0.0 secs), QSHC11 (0.0 secs)\r\nNo embargo required for this report.\r\nUsage Summary for User 9028759, Client 112896, Template Type Intraday Pricing\r\nBase Usage\r\n Instrument Instrument Terms Price\r\n Count Type Subtype Source Source\r\n------- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------- -------------- ----------------------------------------\r\n 1 Equities N/A N/A\r\n-------\r\n 1 Total instrument charged.\r\n 0 Instruments with no reported data.\r\n=======\r\n 1 Instrument in the input list.\r\nNo Evaluated Pricing Service complex usage to report -- 1 Instrument in the input list had no reported data.\r\n"