How to run EK.GET_DATA() for TR.Index_PE_RTRS 2001 to present? Need your help in constructing the syntax using EIKON API.
Data type: TR.Index_PE_RTRS
Period: 2001 to presentRIC: <.HSCIIT>
Hi @carmela.alimario
You need to define the Eikon Data Library before you can use it. Before you call ek.get_data(), you need to define and connect into Eikon.
import eikon as ekek.set_app_key('Your App Key')
Refer to the learning material for this API. Specifically, look at step 4.
Getting error in RW API - "NameError: name 'ek' is not defined"
df, err = ek.get_data(
instruments = ['.HSCIIT'],
fields = ['','TR.Index_PE_RTRS'],parameters={'SDate':'2001-01-01','EDate':'0d','Frq':'D'})