Do you have support plan for Eikon on Windows Server 2019 in the near future?
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hi @sami18 ,
Please find the answers below mentioned in this thread by my colleagues
A reminder that the Eikon Data APIs are for single user, desktop use onlIf the customer needs to run a server application they they should buy a product with a feeds license otherwise they would be breaching terms of use
Personally I see no reason why anyone would want to run Eikon on Windows Server unless they intend to use Eikon as a datafeed supplying server side applications, which would be a violation of standard terms of contract. Apart from contractual issues Eikon is not designed to perform as a datafeed: it cannot run 24/7 because of weekly autologout, there are limits on the amount of data that can be retrieved and further limits may be introduced in the future without notice. This said, provided the client complies with the terms of contract, our support statement for Eikon APIs in this case should be the same as the support statement for Eikon itself running on Windows Server. The latter if I'm not mistaken is: we do not perform any testing of Eikon on Windows Server or any of its features including APIs. The client may install Eikon on Windows Server at their own risk. Any issues they experience will need to be reproduced on a supported platform before they can be escalated to Refinitiv
Hope this helps
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.