I am trying to populate the Rssltime structure upto nanosec and can see data correct inside debugger before encoding
(gdb) p value
$1 = {hour = 12 '\f', minute = 14 '\016', second = 7 '\a', millisecond = 966, microsecond = 111, nanosecond = 999}
(gdb) p fieldEntry
$2 = {fieldId = 14305, dataType = 10 '\n', encData = {length = 0, data = 0x0}}
and then I encode if ((ret = rsslEncodeFieldEntry(&encIter, &fieldEntry, &value)) == RSSL_RET_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL)
The ret is 0. Is there anything I am doing wrong? We can't see mirco or nano and ADS does not send us value
<fieldEntry fieldId="14305" dataType="RSSL_DT_TIME"/>
Image Received
If we connect to TREP FH directly we can see the hex value as for fid 14305
0C0E 0703 C618 6FE7
I hardcoded the time as 121407966111999 (hhmmssmmmmmmnnn)
The hex value is good through 966 (ie..millisec) and then wrong. Anything I am doing wrong?