Hi. Do you have an excel template that has total returns such as 1 week, 1 month, 3 month, 1 year, 3 year by equity indices, various commodities etc ? Just want to see what is moving. Thanks
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Thanks for reaching out to us.
I checked and found there are total return fields available in Eikon Excel.
You can use the following formula to retrieve data from those fields.
=@TR("IBM.N","TR.TotalReturn;TR.TotalReturnYTD;TR.TotalReturn1Wk;TR.TotalReturn52Wk;TR.TotalReturn1Mo;TR.TotalReturn3Mo;TR.TotalReturn6Mo;TR.TotalReturn2YTD","CH=Fd RH=IN",C3)
You can also use the Formula Builder tool in Eikon Excel to search for other available fields.
However, to get an Excel template, you need to contact the Eikon or Workspace support team directly via MyRefinitv. The support team can check if the required Excel template is available.
I hope that this information is of help
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.