...onFailed StatusCode : None }
Message=Exception of type 'Reuters.RFA.Common.InvalidUsageException' was thrown.
at Reuters.RFA.RDM.RDMFidDef.DisplayValueFor(UInt16 enumVal)
at BIM.Cube.ReutersRFAPriceQuery.MarketPriceClient.DecodeDataBuffer(DataBuffer dataBuffer, RDMFidDef fieldDef, RFA_String temp, Boolean inLine) in C:\git\reutersrfaproviderprototype\ReutersRFAProvider\ReutersRFAWrapper\MarketPriceClient.cs:line 1026
NameValueType▶Status{StatusText : Enumeration Table does NOT contain entry for enum = 37 StatusTextW : State : OperationFailed StatusCode : None }Reuters.RFA.Common.GeneralExceptionStatus
I did search and found similar issues previously , that generally were fixed by downloading an metadata file
The links in those previous issues no longer work.
1. where do I get the updated file(s)
2. Is there an API (RFA C# ) that would allow my application code to automatically download and update this file?