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python index constituents


I would like to get the constituents of the index JPMGCOC. I've tried to add "L" and "|L" but it doesn't work. Could you help me please?

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Thanks for reaching out to us.

I tried LJPMGCOC with the following code.

df = ds.get_data("LJPMGCOC",['NAME'], kind=0)

The output is:


I hope that this information is of help.

1670928427168.png (62.3 KiB)
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Thank you very much for this feedback. I confirm I'm not able to get the list you showed. Is it possible because I do not have access to index constituents of this index? the formula return basically an empty df without any error message.

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It could be a permission issue. You can test the request with the Datastream Test REST Service.

First, use the Get Token service method, to get a token.

Then, use the retrieved token with the Get Data service method to request the data.


You can check the retrieved response.


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1670936151207.png (26.4 KiB)
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thanks for the support. I received an empty token then I'm quite sure it is a permission issue

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Please contact the Datastream support team directly via MyRefintiv to verify your permission.

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