

C# + RFANet (RELEASE) - session.Acquire() fails randomly


We have windows service using c# that uses RFA8_NET120_x64 ( On some random days, session.Acquire("sessionName") call fails. We have 4-5 retry mechanism in place when acquiring session with a certain time interval in-between and all try attempt fails.

Most of the time, service restart works fine. So it doesnt look like code / config issue. Also same code + configs works fine on another machine.

Its not machine specific issue as well since we observed this failure on both machines randomly.

We can not enable logging on production servers but seems when trace logs are enabled - it starts generating log file only when we actually try to login - and this login call happens after session.Acquire() call.

We have try..catch around Acquire() call and can see below in our service log file when Acquire() call fails..

ErrorType : 1

ClassificationType : 4

SeverityType : 1

What else we can do to see what exactly is wrong when session.Acquire() fails?
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Thanks for reaching out to us.

Typically, an application acquires a session at startup and releases it at the end.

However, from the problem statement, I assume that sessions can be acquired and released anytime while the application is running. This could trigger a problem in RFA.

This kind of problem requires the API support team to investigate the problem. If you are an RDC named user, you can contact the API support team directly via Contact Premium Support.

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Just to clarify - RFA layer on service is initialized at start and disposed off at stop - typical service / app behavior as you mentioned. Sessions are not being created / released multiple times while service is up.

When I say random failures - its failing to acquire sessions "sometimes" when service is restarted - but works if you try restarting couple more time may be..

Jirapongse avatar image Jirapongse vishal.shashikant.butte

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