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ODPS http subscriptionTest request for XXX=YYY RICs

We are using the following http command to check the permission through ODPS for a user to access prices for an item :


It is working fine for items with the pattern XXX=, but it is not working for RICs XXX=YYY
Also I tested setting fake values for the item : (below TESTESTEST)


And it seems to do not impact anything in the result.
Is it expected ? How should we handle the RIC following the pattern XXX=YYY ?


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Thanks for reaching out to us.

You can try to use the HTML URL encoding for the '=' character in RICs. For example, 'XXX=YYY' can be encoded to 'XXX%3DYYY'.

However, if it doesn't work, please contact the ODPS support team directly via MyRefinitiv.

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Hello @Jirapongse ,

Thank you a lot, indeed that is working now !


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