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21 1 2 4

Insufficient data response on API called

Dear support team,

we notice that the data response on API called of screening is not completely for us to perform the evaluation. There is no detail some information comparing to Web portal UI.

Hence, we would like to seek for your support how can we get them.

  • Further information
  • Alias
  • Keywords
  • Connection / Relationship
  • List of sources

Please find the attachment for the detail.

required data.pdf

Thank you

Best regards

required-data.pdf (464.6 KiB)
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Please let us know where we can get those information from the API after screening?
Hi @senate ,

I had a look at your attachment and I'm afraid that I don't know where these datasets are found on the front end. May I ask: How did you get to those pages? They seem to not be on SCREEN or OV.

21 1 2 4

Hi @jonathan,

we got those screenshot from the actual Web Portal. Our question is to get more detail information on the entry match. Now we're able to retrieve that information by calling to this API:

Thank you so much.

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Hi @senate,

This seem like a perfect question answered by the Search API - more on it can be found in this article. Would you mind letting us know if the information you are after can be found using it?

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