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FMRD trading hours timezone


What is the exact timezone of fields : EventStartDate and EventEndDate

On both files of 15 october 2022 and 28 january 2023 the data for Paris exchange ("ObjectId": "25759111211") are

"EventStartDate": "2015-01-01T08:00:00.000Z",

"EventEndDate": "2015-01-01T16:30:00.000Z",

The Paris local start time is 9 CET or 9 CEST, but the in the file it always 8:00

If it is UTC it must be diffrent betwin Summer / Winter

Thank you

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Hello @elmaroufy

Thank you for contacting us. The FX Market Data team recommends you contact them via email to verify this data question in detail.

Sorry for the incontinent.

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To my knowledge there is no daylight time saving in UTC

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