

RFA API function fldEntry. get data () and is getting an attached error for FID 14275

Market-by-Order data grab issue via RFA API User is trying to fetch Level 3 market data (MBO) via the RFA API function fldEntry. get data () and is getting an attached error for FID 14275, data type 10. Below is the FID in appendix_a: PR_TIM_NS "PRIORITY TIME NS" 14275 NULL INTEGER 15 Could you please assist to resolve/fix the error?

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Thanks for reaching out to us.

It may relate to the limitation of the old version of RFA API when decoding High Precision Time, as mentioned in this article: Coding For High Precision Time.


Please check the article for the solutions.

I hope that this information is of help.

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Thank you for the reply @Jirapongse May I know the min version of RFA - client application needs to upgrade to - in order to keep compatible with this high precision timestamp?

Jirapongse avatar image Jirapongse LanceGabriel.Villacrusis
It should be RFA 8.x.

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