

The user is asking for an error for FID 14275; data type 10 can fix the issue in v7.x RFA instead of the user upgrading their API to v8 RFA. Is this possible?

The user is trying to fetch Level 3 market data (MBO) via the RFA API function fldEntry.getdata() and is getting an attached error for FID 14275, data type 10. I was advised before in the developer community that this may relate to the limitation of the old version of the RFA API when decoding high precision time.

However, the user is asking for an error for FID 14275; data type 10 can fix the issue in v7.x RFA instead of the user upgrading their API to v8 RFA. Is this possible?

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Hi @LanceGabriel.Villacrusis,

Please advise the user that no additions or enhancements are being done on RFA 7.x. Refinitiv is focusing our resources on the strategic real time APIs, which is required to keep pace with evolving market data rates and infrastructure changes.

You can also ask them to look into jumping straight into EMA API as it is considerably easier compared with RFA.

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Thanks, Gurpreet

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