I have a question concerning the conversion of Rhistory code in the Excel formula builder to Python. This is a question that has returned on this forum, but I have thusfar not been able to use the answers to translate the output to those answers to a useful thing for me. For full openness: I am not using Python (due to company policy) but the Eikonapir package in R, but I know how to translate the Python commands to R and hence should know how to proceed once I get the Python code correct.
Specifically, I have the following formula in Excel
=RHistory("DE201116775=";"ASK.Timestamp;ASK.Close";"START:01-Jan-2022 END:17-Mar-2023 INTERVAL:1D";;"TSREPEAT:NO CH:Fd";B2)
My attempts at translating this to Python, take following form: