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Perpetual Chain RIC

Hi Team, can i check if there are Chain RIC for perpetual products? (eg. APEX AUP, AGP, BTCP)

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Hi ,

Thank you for your question.

The moderators on this forum do not have deep expertise in every bit of content available through Refinitiv products, which is required to answer content questions such as this one.

The best resource for content questions is the support team, which can be reached by submitting queries through MyRefinitv. The support team will either have the required content expertise ready available or can reach out to relevant content experts to get the answer for you. On this question, I have already created a support ticket for which you should have already received an email. Posting the case number here as well - 12420332.

Best regards,


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The answer from the content support team is as follows:

> DN200125 - (APEX)- Launch of Gold Perpetual Futures Contract
RIC Structure: ATO (exchange code/ID) + AUP (Contract code)+PF (Perpetual futures)

> DN204799-Asia Pacific Exchange (APEX): Launch of APEX Silver Perpetual Future Contract (AGP)

> BTCP (Bitcoin Perpetual)
DN204360 - Asia Pacific Exchange (APEX): Launch of APEX Bitcoin Perpetual Futures Contract (BTCP)
RIC will be as <ATOBTCPPF>

Hope this helps.

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