
66 3 5 7

Cannot retrieve data from DSWS

We have a batch job runs every 10min – getting new token and making the request to DataStream ( each time

Body of GetData:


"DataRequest": {

"DataTypes": [


"Value": "PI"



"Date": {

"End": "2023-05-05",

"Frequency": "D",

"Kind": "0",

"Start": "2023-05-05"


"Instrument": {

"Value": "CBOEVIX"



"TokenValue": "……………………………………."


Below is the error message:

2023-05-09 10:59:50.8712||SCHRODERSAD\z_AUEquityTrading_TS|ERROR|EquityTrading.Services.UsVixPrice.UsVixPriceDownloader|80000e97-0003-fa00-b63f-84710c7967bb|Cannot get price from Refinitiv for Ticker: CBOEVIX for Price Date: 05 May 2023. Returning null.

2023-05-09 10:59:50.8824||SCHRODERSAD\z_AUEquityTrading_TS|ERROR|EquityTrading.Services.UsVixPrice.UsVixPriceDownloader|80000e97-0003-fa00-b63f-84710c7967bb|Error - Cannot get price from Refinitiv for Ticker: CBOEVIX for Price Date: 05 May 2023. US VIX price will not be saved.

We recently noticed that there was a change to entitlements, and we regained access.

However still getting above error. Is this due to entitlements or some other error?


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1 Answer

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Thanks for reaching out to us.

I tested this request on the Datastream Test REST Service and can retrieve the data properly.


You need to verify the HTTP status and payload in the HTTP response.

I hope that this information is of help.

1683614392218.png (26.5 KiB)
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Thanks Jirapongse! got it.

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