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How can I deep link into a World-Check One record from within Salesforce?

I would like to be able to deep link into a World-check One Case record from within Customer Risk Screener in Salesforce. Is this possible?

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You can achieve this using a custom link or button in Salesforce. Within Salesforce navigate to Setup > Custom Objects > Screening Case > Buttons Links and Actions > Select "New button or link".

Give your button/link a name, description, define the behaviour (e.g. open in a new window) and the display type (e.g. detailed page link/button).

In the field Button or Link URL enter the following depending on what part of the record you wish to navigate to:

To be taken to the summary page enter:{!tr_wc1__KYC_Screening_Case__c.tr_wc1__Thomson_Reuters_Case_Id__c}/view/summary

To be taken to the World Check matches summary enter:{!tr_wc1__KYC_Screening_Case__c.tr_wc1__Thomson_Reuters_Case_Id__c}/view/worldcheck


Save the record. Don't forget to add it to your page layout.

Please note deep links require a login to World-Check One in order to open the record.

Update: If you want to link directly from a source record e.g. an Account or Contact then you would need to be able to traverse the relationship between the relevant object and the Screening Case object. The field you would need to pass in the URL string is:


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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.