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How to connect our application to DACS API to generate usage and permission report

we have built an application to automate and we want to connect our application with DACS API so our application can create report itself with the help of DACS API.

#productDACSopen-dacsjava api
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Hi @bishow.gurung,

DACS has a SOAP based DACS Station API which allows certain function on the DACS, however, I could not find out if reports can be generated from it. Please note that this station API is different from Open DACS API, which is primarily used to report/fetch user permissions form the DACS system.

I would recommend that you raise a ticket at to speak with DACS product team.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.