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ISIN code for Credit Default Swaps


I need to find the ISIN codes for credit default swaps in Datastream such as:


Can you help me?



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Thanks for reaching out to us.

You can use the Datastream Navigator to search for items and data types.

However, if you are unable to find the required data, please contact the Datastream support team directly via MyRefinitiv.

I hope that this information is of help.

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That is indeed true; the ISIN code is not part of the datatypes for Credit Default Swaps. So what I want to do is as follows:

In the datastream explorer, you can click on the related equities:


By clicking on the related securities, I can find the corresponding equity which has the datatype ISIN:


As I need to do this for many Credit Default Swaps, is there a way to get this list of related equities for each Credit Default Swap automatically via the datastream api in python?

I know for example that you can get the search results for "GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP SNR CR14 5Y $" via the following function:

ds.get_data(tickers="GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP SNR CR14 5Y $", fields =["DS.SYMBOLLOOKUP(Count=50)"], kind=0)

1686638607948.png (67.4 KiB)
1686638678073.png (190.7 KiB)
85k 289 53 77


Thank you for the information.

I am unable to find a way to retrieve Related Securities via the API.

I found that you have submitted a case to the support team. We need to wait for the response from the support team.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.