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How to get TR values for all municipal bonds?


I am trying to get TR values (ex. TR.MuniRating) for all municipal bonds (4.5m). I tried the following code but it takes 15min for 100 bonds.

df, err = ek.get_data(cusip, ["TR.FINextCallDate", "TR.FIPurposeDescription", "TR.FIWorstRedemEvent",

"TR.MUNIRating", "TR.UltimateParentId", "TR.UltimateParent",


I wonder if there is a faster way to get these values for a large number of bonds. Thank you!



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Hi @jg6180 ,

Thank you for your patience, could you please provide the example of the CUSIP list that returns the error for further investigation?

@raksina.samasiri I have over 4.5m CUSIPs. It seldom returns errors but it is very slow. How to solve this?

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6.5k 21 3 6
Hi @jg6180 , have you tried using the RD Lib's parallel calls ? FYI, you can change that historical call quite a bit to fit your needs as shown here
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@jonathan.legrand Hello, thank you for your reply. I checked the content you provide, but not sure what exact syntax/packages I should use for these TR values (

"TR.FINextCallDate", "TR.FIPurposeDescription", "TR.FIWorstRedemEvent",

"TR.MUNIRating", "TR.UltimateParentId", "TR.UltimateParent",

"TR.CompanyCntPostalCodeAddr"). Would you mind giving some further instructions?

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