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ads process crashed.

my ads pop process crashed couple of times in a week. As per the var/log/messages it says,

Jun 25 11:28:18 <Host_Name> kernel: ads[230118]: segfault at 8 ip 0000000000d87962 sp 00007fff712cb790 error 6 in ads[400000+feb000]

Jun 25 11:28:18 <Host_Name> abrt-hook-ccpp: Process 230118 (ads) of user 1001 killed by SIGSEGV - dumping core

Jun 25 11:28:25 <Host_Name> systemd-logind: Removed session 56418.

Jun 25 11:28:26 <Host_Name> abrt-server: Executable '/opt/reuters/SOFTWARE/ads3.5.0.L1.linux.rrg/bin/ads' doesn't belong to any package and ProcessUnpackaged is set to 'no'

As per the ads.log, server was trying to connect to Refinitiv RTO feed few times. Last attempt to connect to RTO feed and time of crash are matching exactly to the seconds. Is it possible that ads process crashes while trying to connect to RTO Feed ?

any idea why is it crashing?

where do I find the core file?

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Hi @manesh.kp01

Thank you for contacting us. Unfortunately, we the Q&A forum modulator are not the ADS product expert, so I highly recommend you contact the ADS support team directly to investigate this ADS issue in detail.

You can submit a support ticket to the ADS support team via the website.


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