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DSS .NET API System.TimeoutException: Extraction took too long

I have a piece of code that creates a new instrument list, imports a new report template and creates an EOD schedule. All of this works each day @ 6:30PM EST.

The program then runs "WaitForNextExtraction" using the previously created EOD schedule and is set for "19:50" as the TimeOut. The poll seconds was set to 10 seconds.

The amount of data is quite small. The program would get to 19:50 EST and throw this error:

2023-06-29 19:50:01 [FTL]

System.TimeoutException: Extraction took too long

I have checked the Refinitiv DSS Website and the Extraction was completed but the program is not picking it up anymore. This all use to work and it started failing since: 06/12/2023, the last working extraction through the .NET program was 06/09/2023. No code was changed in the .NET program.
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Hello @christopher.gentle,

The time taken by DSS servers to process a query depends on the query itself as well as the load on the server at that instance. It is possible that load on the server has changed and the time needed to process your query has gone up. I would recommend that you increase the timeout even more to account for these variables.

Also, the poll time of 10 seconds is quite short; for queries like EOD prices a minute should be fine.

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Thanks for replying, I have changed the timeout to 60 seconds and will try that tonight and report back tomorrow.

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I changed the poll seconds to 90.

The timeout is set for 7:45PM EST + 5 minutes (converted to UTC).

The extraction completed in on the DSS Web.

Last Execution:
07/04/2023 19:45:07

I am still receiving the same error.

2023-07-04 19:50:32 [FTL]

System.TimeoutException: Extraction took too long

at DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.ScheduleOperationsExtensions.WaitForNextExtraction(IScheduleOperations this, Schedule schedule, Int32 pollSeconds, TimeSpan timeOut)

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Hi @christopher.gentle​,

The 90 second poll interval does not affect the time in which your data is ready. Your app should wait much longer then 5 minutes to get the data.

You can raise a ticket at to talk to DSS product team. They can advise on the timeout period for various extraction requests.

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