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how to get access of all ESG score every year

Hi, I have some problem when I used the follwoing code:

df, err = ek.get_data("SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(active,public,primary))/*UNV:Public*/), IN(TR.RegCountryCode,""US""), TR.TRESGScore(Period=FY0)>0, CURN=USD)",


parameters={'SDate':'0', 'EDate':'-19','Period':'FY0','Frq':'FY'})

It will return a "nontype". It is wired because it works well three month ago.

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

I can run the code properly and get the result, as shown below.


Please share the error or output that you received.

1689043939371.png (58.7 KiB)
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