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What is the phyton code for this formula (Im using Refinitiv Eikon Excel) ?

=@TR("LP68078930","TR.FundRegisterCountryofSalesFlag(FundCntry=AUT:DEU)","CH=IN;Fd RH=Country")

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@kevinjames.simangan Hi - thanks for your question. The code is as follows using the Refinitiv Data Library.

import refinitv-data as rd


In future if you get stuck - you can try the CODE CREATOR app (type CODECR into Eikon/WS search bar). This will give a visual code builder very much like the formula builder in Eikon Excel - except it will generate the full python code and also launch a codebook instance so you can run it directly. In terms of fields most of the TR fields have the following structure:


I hope this can help.

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Thank you Jason. this works!

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