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Data download structure with Eikon's Build Formula VS Datastream in Excel

I would like to ask the following question. I am downloading data for the last 10 years for all companies that have ESG data. Using Eikon's "Build Formula" function, I have been able to download the ESG data and part of the economic-financial data. This download shows me the data as shown in the first image. I would like that, when I download the economic-financial data with Datastream, the data would be shown as in the first case, but they appear as shown in image two. How can I do it so that the structure of this download appears the same as with Eikon's "Build Formula" function?

Thank you very much.



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Thank you for reaching out to us.

To get ESG data from Datastream, you can use these data types.


You can also use the DFO Navigator to search for data types.


Otherwise, you can contact the Refinitiv Eikon with Datastream for Office support team directly via MyRefinitiv to get the data types that can provide the required data.

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