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`[Error 429 - 429] Request rate too high.` On 1st line `rd.open_session`

I use to run my Python code lines fie for weeks and it started to break in early Aug.2023, from which point I kept seeing the error `[Error 429 - 429] Request rate too high.`; which is not very sensical since this message appears whern I run the 1st cell (of the whole week) to simply just open my platform session. (FYI: I entereed my coleague's credentials in my config file as a test and it worked fine - so the issue is not with my PC setup.)
It's odd that I get a data limit message when I simply just open the session and don't ask for data too... My product is 'Eikon with DataStream for Office'. I changed my account password to make sure noone else is using it without me knowing (and I do not share my credentials). I also created a new App Key to test, to no avail.

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

If you still gets this error (429), please contact the Refinitiv Data Platform support team directly via MyRefinitiv to reset your account and verify the problem.

You can check the current limits from this Limitations and Guidelines for the RDP Authentication Service article.

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