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Order will not submit. Results is always and null

I am trying to submit a test order via C#. I am always getting success = false and err = null

FWIW. I can place orders via the REDIPlus > Montage Monitor. Also, I can read Positions via my C#. So I know my code is ok.

        ORDER ptOrder = new ORDER();
        Object err = null;
        bool success;

        ptOrder.Symbol = "IBM";
        ptOrder.Side = "Buy";
        ptOrder.Quantity = 7;
        ptOrder.Exchange = "DEMO DMA"; 
        ptOrder.Ticket = "Bypass";
        ptOrder.TIF = "Day";
        ptOrder.Account = "PQK******";
        ptOrder.PriceType = "Market";

        success = ptOrder.Submit(ref err);

p.s. I also tried REDIPortfolioTrader. I


Still cannot place an order, but I can open the Montage Dialog with the above information pre-populate

ptOrder.DisplayMontage(50, 50);
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Thank you for reaching out to us.

I can run the code properly.

            ORDER ptOrder = new ORDER();
            Object err = null;
            bool success;

            ptOrder.Symbol = "IBM";
            ptOrder.Side = "Buy";
            ptOrder.Quantity = 7;
            ptOrder.Exchange = "DEMO DMA";
            ptOrder.Ticket = "Bypass";
            ptOrder.TIF = "Day";
            ptOrder.Account = "EQUITY-TR";
            ptOrder.PriceType = "Market";

            success = ptOrder.Submit(ref err);
            if (success == false)


The error is similar to this discussion. Please contact the Refinitiv REDI EMS support team directly via MyRefinitiv to verify your account.

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Thank you @Jirapongse .

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