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how do i get a specific close price using Eikon Excel Add-in?

Hi All,

I want to pull closing prices for a RIN ."BAID" based on a column containing historical dates in excel. How could i go about doing this? So far I have only been able to pull the most recent closing price using:


I have a column with dates written as below and want to pull values matching those dates. Ideally, i tried the below, but it did not work:

=TR(".BAID", "TR.CLOSEPRICE", "Date=" & TEXT(H96, "yyyy-mm-dd")



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Thank you for reaching out to us.

You can use the SDate and EDate parameters, as shown below.


If this doesn't meet your requirement, please contact the Eikon Excel support team directly via MyRefinitiv.

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Thanks, this didn't answer my question unfortunately, i'll reach out to support.

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